Monday, May 20, 2019

Leasing Agreements for Wind Farms Benefit Rural Economies

Based in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Samuel (Sam) Raymer is an experienced business owner and entrepreneur. In addition to leading Commercial Capital Consulting LLC, Sam Raymer is the owner of Jett Marketing, a company that specializes in coordinating land leases for the renewable energy sector. Across the nation, many farmers and ranchers are choosing to lease their land for large scale wind projects. These leasing agreements have transformed the economies of rural America.

Approximately 99 percent of operating wind farms are located in low income rural areas, bringing much needed growth to economies within counties designated as “low income.” In fact, as of 2016, leasing agreements provided $245 million for farmers and ranchers. The presence of wind farms in rural areas has affected rural economies in a number of ways:

-Leasing land to wind production companies has allowed farmers to have an alternative source of dependable revenue that is not affected by fluctuating commodity prices or unpredictable weather patterns. Since wind turbines have a relatively small footprint, they can continue to farm their land.

-The presence of wind farms expands the tax base of rural communities. The additional revenue is used to improve infrastructure, school systems, libraries, and community services.

-Communities with wind farms often enjoy lower overall energy costs.

-Available jobs related to the renewable energy sector are quickly growing. During the development and construction of wind farms, employment opportunities skyrocket. After construction is completed, wind farms continue to provide rural job opportunities. 

-Environmentally conscious corporations are dedicated to using renewable energy. Rural areas are increasingly attracting these companies for relocation and further investment.